Huron County Master Plan

Spicer Group was hired to assist Huron County in the update of their Master Plan and Hazard Mitigation Plan. Both were County-wide multi-jurisdictional plans that included participation from local jurisdictions. Spicer Group was responsible for the coordination and communication between the County and the local participants in each plan. We also assisted in developing specific goals, objectives, and strategies for each of the local communities that participated in the planning process. This involved direct communication with each jurisdiction and a working relationship with the communities throughout the County.

The update to the master plan was a full update that included the typical elements of a master plan including the community information, public input, goals a future land use map, and an action plan. However, this plan also included a detailed analysis on the existing alternative energy projects that are in the county including an inventory of the facilities, their impacts on the County and local communities, and detailed goal statements and strategies to outline the future of alternative energy development in Huron County. This analysis was completed at the request of the Planning Commission which was looking toward the future of economic growth and community needs in Huron County. The analysis also included sections on both wind energy and solar energy.


Hazelton Township Master Plan


Kochville Township Master Plan