Kochville Township Master Plan

Spicer Group has worked with Kochville Township, located in Saginaw County, for many years on Master Plans and other projects for the Township’s Downtown Development Authority (DDA). In 2020, Spicer Group was re-hired to develop a Comprehensive Master Plan for the Township to be adopted in 2023. This work has involved developing an inventory of the current conditions in the Township and utilizing that data to develop a vision, goals, and objectives for the Township’s Master Plan. 

Spicer Group worked with the community and made sure to incorporate community input and feedback in the Master Plan process. The Township hosted a community input survey, held an open house, and worked closely with the DDA to ensure the update to the comprehensive plan is thorough and considered all the crucial issues within the Township. Surveys were sent out to receive input on which steps would be best for the community. Residents were invited to attend public meetings detailing the Master Plan. This plan makes recommendations for land use within the Township, including planning and goals for the commercial area, recreational uses, how to utilize natural resources, existing and new infrastructure, sewage and stormwater infrastructure, roads, and pathways.


Huron County Master Plan


Montrose Charter Township Master Plan