Tittabawassee River Force Main

​Before completing this $500,000 project, all wastewater from Thomas Township was collected and conveyed through one 20-inch force main beneath the Tittabawassee River for treatment at Saginaw Charter Township’s (SCT) wastewater treatment plant on the east side of the river. The original force main served as the only link between Thomas Township’s sanitary sewer collection system and SCT’s wastewater treatment plant. To reinforce the reliability of the sanitary sewer service and to allow for future growth, the Township embarked on this project that included installing a new 820-foot section of 24-inch High Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) force main beneath the river parallel to the existing force main. The new force main was installed using a horizontal directional drilling process (HDD).


Saginaw Township WWTP Improvements


Sidney Township Sanitary System