Dixie Highway Improvements

In Saginaw County, Dixie Highway travels parallel to I-75 in rural Birch Run and Bridgeport Townships. It is a four-lane major collector that carries between 7,000 and 9,000 vehicles per day. Spicer Group provided design engineering and construction engineering services to the Saginaw County Road Commission for improvements to approximately 6.5 miles of Dixie Highway between Birch Run Road and Portsmouth Road. These improvements included resurfacing, driveways, right-turn lane construction, pavement markings, and permanent signing.

The four-lane roadway was also converted to a three-lane roadway with the existing width of the roadway maintained, paved shoulders included, and gravel shoulders maintained outside of the paved surface. The center lane of the roadway was redesigned as a continuous left-turn lane. At the intersection of Dixie Highway and Curtis Road, a roundabout was also added to the design to improve traffic flow and safety. Spicer Group provided all design engineering services, permitting, survey, and traffic management services. This project is part of the Michigan Department of Transportation’s Local Agency Program and is set to be completed in 2024.


W. Sugnet Road Project


Gaylord and Alpena TSC Non-Freeway Signing