Freeland Road from M-47 to Railroad Tracks

Spicer Group was responsible for providing the design and construction inspection/testing for this $1.8 million project which included over a half mile of full reconstruction in downtown Freeland.

Improvements to the road included widening the existing two-lane roadway from Second Street to just beyond the railroad tracks near Webster Road to three-lanes, which improved traffic flow though the downtown area of Freeland and the intersection of M-47, curb and gutter for the full length of the project, reconstruction of parking bump outs from Second Street to M-47, and upgrading all of the sidewalk ramps to meet the current ADA standards. Design improvements to the existing storm sewer beneath Freeland Road and landscaping was also included in this project.

One of the key aspects of this project was to incorporate the cost-saving measure of installing a curb median traffic island was also included in the design and was constructed during the project to keep from having to upgrade the railroad crossing gates in the future – something that would have added more than $250,000 to the project’s total cost. 


Waldo Avenue Reconstruction


Old State Road and Surrey Road