Ingham County Recreation Planning
Over the past few years, Spicer Group has worked with Ingham County on a number of parks and recreation projects. Spicer first worked with the county with the development and adoption of a comprehensive Parks Master Plan that met the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Community Park, Recreation, Open Space, and Greenway Plans guidelines. This plan describes the county’s existing recreation facilities, including an inventory of natural resources. This inventory documented the number of existing park facilities, existing park plans, demographic and economic data and the physical features of Ingham County. The plan also includes action times for the next five years, based on input from the community, to meet goals set for Ingham County Parks.
Spicer is also providing Ingham County with on-going professional consulting services for their parks and trails system. This service includes assisting the county in managing millage-funded projects, managing the millage, reviewing projects submitted for millage grant funding, writing grants, developing a Trail Wayfinding Plan, Master Plans, GIS mapping, and general consulting.