Marlette Spray Park

Originally built in the 1950’s, the Marlette Community Pool complex included a large swimming pool, a small wading pool, a bathhouse and parking areas. Both pools in the complex had been renovated since they were originally built, but had begun showing wear and outliving their life expectancy. Spicer Group assisted the City with applying for a grant through the Michigan Department of Natural Resource’s Land and Water Conservation Fund grant to help with improvements to the park and pool.

The grant was awarded $97,800 for the project, which included replacing the pool liner with a PVC membrane system in the large swimming pool, removing the outdated wading pool and replacing it with a new splash pad. It also included installing a pool lift for universal accessibility in the large swimming pool, additional handicap parking, new sidewalks for universal accessibility, new fencing, and new mechanical building for the splash pad controls.

Along with providing grant administration and the design of the new splash pad for this project, Spicer Group also provided bidding assistance and construction administration. 


Pere Marquette River Fishing Access


Grant Writing