Frank N. Andersen Recreational Complex Restroom

Spicer Group was responsible for designing and overseeing construction of the new Frank N. Andersen Recreational Complex – a universally-accessible focused facility that exceeds Americans with

Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. The complex has a universally-designed multi-purpose field, restrooms, entry tower, parking areas, and pathways linking to other park facilities and the surrounding community. Designs included a new parking lot, storm water drainage, electrical, water/sanitary sewer and lighting.

The restroom building contains six family-style changing rooms along with storage and a 950-foot long pathway connecting it to the north parking lot. The universally accessible restroom structure is 400 square feet in size and includes necessary utilities such as water and electric.

The complex was developed with support from a $500,000 Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund grant and another $600,000 that was raised by Bridgeport Township. This project is the first universally-designed facility specifically created and built for multi-sports and events.


Finn Road Park


Gerber Scout Reservation Bath House