Gratiot County Courthouse HVAC Renovation

The Gratiot County Courthouse is a historic building built in the early 1900’s off of East Center Street in Ithaca, Michigan. The building, popular for its unique architectural detailing, also had a major addition constructed in 1994. The original section of the building used a boiler-chiller system for air conditioning and heat while the addition utilized three variable-air-volume (VAV) gas heat and DX cooling rooftop units. Additionally, both the main building and the addition shared the same single boiler system.  

Gratiot County hired Spicer Group to perform an HVAC replacement for two of the rooftop units serving the 1994 addition portion of the courthouse. The existing units were outdated and at risk of future failure. Professional mechanical and electrical engineering design services were provided for this project along with construction administration. Spicer Group was also responsible for performing a HVAC study of the preexisting site and then creating designs that would replace and update the existing VAV units.


Saginaw Housing Commission Various Projects