Lakeside Pump Station Electrical

Spicer Group provided the survey, design, electrical engineering, and construction inspection for Monroe County’s Lakeside Drain Pump Station project, located in Luna Pier, MI. This duplex submersible pump station is rated for 10,771 GPM (24 CFS), with each pump rated for 5,386 gpm, housed in a 15.5’ x 15.5’ x 25’ deep concrete wet well. Stainless steel guiderails were installed for removing and installing the pumps without having to enter the wet well. In automatic mode, the pumping sequence, combinations and rates are controlled by the programmable logic controller (PLC) located in the pump station building. The improvements also included equipping the station with an autodialer alarm system and an onsite 150 kW natural gas generator.


Gratiot Road Booster Station Improvements


Saginaw Charter Township WWTP Expansion