Reuben Daniels ALTA/NSPS Survey

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle technology paired with photogrammetric modeling is a great tool when conducting American Land Title Association (ALTA/NSPS) surveys. Spicer Group has utilized UAV technology to complete minimum-standard ALTA/NSPS surveys, significantly minimizing the need for full boots-on-the-ground topographic mapping. Surveyors still need to perform on-site work to establish the parcel boundaries and provide ground truthing, however, when site elevations are not required for design applications, UAV technology can be a viable option to efficiently complete ALTA/NSPS surveys.

In the City of Saginaw, the Reuben Daniels Development ALTA/NSPS survey combined UAV aerial imagery with traditional ground surveying to more efficiently deliver the final ALTA/NSPS survey drawings. Using the aerial imagery, our team extracted the required topographic features and combined that with topography collected by a field survey crew. This resulted in an accurate deliverable completed very efficiently, all while offering an updated high-resolution aerial image as a value-added service. This would not have been obtained utilizing 100% conventional surveying methods.


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