Wayfinding Pathway

Over the past few years, Spicer Group has worked with Ingham County on a number of parks and recreation projects. Spicer first worked with the county with the development and adoption of a comprehensive Parks Master Plan and most recently has also provided Ingham County with on-going professional consulting services for their parks and trails system. This service includes assisting the county in managing millage-funded projects, managing the millage, reviewing projects submitted for millage grant funding, writing grants, developing Master Plans, and developing and implementing a Trail Wayfinding Plan.

Working alongside stakeholders and a parks committee, Spicer Group developed a Unified Trail Wayfinding Plan for all trails (land and water) within Ingham County. The first phase included more than 300 wayfinding signs in 7 municipal jurisdictions including trailhead map signs, trailblade signs (directional), mile markers and on-road signs. These signs display information such as the name of the trail, trailhead location, length of trail, points of interest along the trail, distance, and activity icons. Six of the seven jurisdictions have their signs installed along their path systems, and the last community is completing the installation of their signs. The County is now working with the communities within the county to begin the next phase.

Spicer Group was responsible for the project management, design, bidding assistance, wayfinding plan development and construction oversight for this project.


Wickes Park Multi-Use Path


Saginaw Valley Rail Trail