Cole Park Pedestrian Bridge and Trail

In December of 2008, the historical bridge at Cole Park in the Village of Chesaning was washed away and destroyed by high waters and ice on the Shiawassee River. Spicer Group assisted the Village in securing a $300,000 Michigan Department of Natural Resources Trust Fund Grant to help fund a new bridge and park improvements.

Spicer Group engineers designed a new bridge that could be pre-fabricated for cost-effectiveness and withstand the area’s high flood waters for durability. Historical photos that showed where the flood waters and ice had reached over the years were also used in the survey portion of the project to determine the necessary height of the bridge and its abutments.

The new 141-foot-long pedestrian bridge spanning the river reconnected the two sections of the park. There were four existing bridge abutments and piers from the previous bridge that were extended and reinforced to hold the new bridge, which is 10-feet wide and attaches to asphalt pathways in the park that are 8-feet wide.

The pre-fabricated bridge was delivered in pieces, assembled on site, and lowered into place with cranes. The concrete deck of the bridge was poured and lighting was added to the bridge and pathway. Spicer Group provided design, engineering, construction administration, and grant administration services for the three-year-long project.


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Equity Trail Connector


Bad Axe Walking Trail