Roberts Park

Recently, Thomas Township was awarded a Michigan DNR Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant of $262,900 and Michigan DNR Trust Fund Grant of $220,000 to help make improvements to Roberts Park. The project consisted of designing the layout, determining grading requirements, irrigation plans, and drainage for three regulation-size soccer fields. A parking lot was constructed, barrier-free pathways, picnic tables and grills were added. 

Spicer Group also designed a large pavilion, two small pavilions, an entry arch with decorative entry gate, roadway within the park for accessing the park, fencing, guard posts, two barrier gates, a detention pond, decorative stone columns and relocation of existing volleyball courts. The pavilions are pre-manufactured structures with a concrete pad and grills. The large pavilion is 40 feet by 80 feet in size and the two smaller pavilions are 16 feet by 16 feet in size. A sledding hill was also created from the extra soil on the site from the construction. 

Spicer Group assisted the township with grant administration, designing, bidding the project and construction administration on both grant projects. 


City of Stanton Park Improvements