Aurelius and Delhi Consolidated Drain
The Aurelius and Delhi Consolidated Drain Drainage District serves 2,747 acres of Ingham County including 1,451 acres of Aurelius Township and 1,296 acres of Delhi Charter Township. In total, the Drainage District encompasses 275 residential and agricultural properties. The primary focus of the project was to reduce ponding of residential lots and county roads within the district. To determine a solution to the ponding problems, a hydraulic sanitary and storm sewer analysis (SSA) model was created in conjunction with an open channel Hydrologic Engineering Center’s River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) model. The models were utilized to illustrate existing conditions and model several proposed solutions. A refined solution was obtained minimizing the cost and maximizing the flood control benefit of the proposed system. The project team developed a solution that included the installation of 2.2 miles of storm sewer and converting 1,580 lin. ft. of existing storm sewer to a two-stage meandering channel. Sixty-nine drainage structures were installed to collect surface water (Including 3 structures to regulate surface water elevations in existing wetlands). Sixteen culverts were improved and/or replaced along the existing main channel of the Drain.