Memorial Park Access Improvements - Branch County

Memorial Park is a popular County Park located on Messenger Lake in Branch County. It is a 30-acre facility with a campground and day use area that includes a beach, picnic pavilions, boat launch, sand volleyball, restroom, and playground. The county was awarded a Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Grant of $140,000 to make improvements that included adding a shing dock to provide shore shing to park visitors. Spicer Group assisted the county in designing and overseeing construction of a new universally-accessible shing dock, along with improving access to the park with the addition of designated handicap parking spaces in the existing parking lot. A new accessible path was also constructed to connect the parking area to the existing pavilion, the new shing dock and new accessible cabins that were designed and built. Interpretive signs were also designed and installed with this project. Along with all the design work, Spicer provided all survey, permitting, grant writing and construction inspection tasks for this project.


Imerman Park Boating and Fishing Access Improvements


Belleville Horizon Park Improvements